
For Kids & Teens

Learning martial arts is about more than self-defense. Students gain physical coordination, discipline, self-control, humility, and confidence as they challenge themselves and learn new skills. The sooner they start, the more time they have to develop.

This isn't the cliche military-style dojo. Kids and teens of all abilities learn together in a supportive environment.

For Adults

It's never too late to start training in the martial arts. Everyone can benefit from increased physical fitness, coordination, and confidence that come with training in Kenpo karate. One student earned his black belt at 70 years young.

We have a vibrant and growing community of adult men and women who train together. Join us.

For Families

All off the benefits for youth and adults is magnified when you train as a family. Martial arts training can be a great way to bond as family members help each other learn between classes. Parents and children can train together in the same classes or in separate classes. Share the training experience.